Position Paper about Abortion - Pro


Your Choice Matters

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics here in the Philippines. Abortion is a procedure to end the pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo in the uterus of woman. Abortion remains illegal in the Philippines that’s why some woman are attempting unsafe abortions privately like drinking herbal medicines, sharp took with force, or through other traditional methods. Abortion opponents like Catholic Church frequently contend that a fetus or embryo has a human right to live and compare this procedure to murder.

 Every woman has the rights to decide for herself especially if the situation may affect her life and health. People tend to judge a woman who aborted her child disregarding the fact whether the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. That woman surely has reasons to do such act for either being financially, physically, emotionally, or psychologically unstable. The Philippine government should take measures to legalize abortion in certain circumstances and provide sexual and reproductive health information and services, according to the U.N. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR Committee). In the catholic, church abortion is a criminalization because they believe in the bible that when kill the fetus in the embryo of women or when you kill the fetus the equivalent of that is killing a human being. Article 11 of the 1987 Philippine recognition says, in part “section 12”. The state “recognize the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic of autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother of the unborn from conception”.

Physicians and midwives who perform abortions in the Philippines with the consent of a pregnant woman may face up to six years in prison under the Philippine Revised Penal Code Article 256, 258. 70% of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the World Health Organization. Every year about 600,000 Filipino women get abortions, and many resort to unlicensed physicians, use folk medicine, or try to self-induce themselves. In the Philippines, those who seek abortions risk not just imprisonment but also the continual threat of death because free and accessible facilities are out of reach. This leads to an unsuccessful and risky abortion. Because of the improper and unprofessional way of abortion, mother’s life may also be affected even after the process of abortion. It is because Philippines prohibits abortion in medical facilities, and by this, a pregnant woman may abort her child in any possible way, not minding the possible effects that may cause health risks. The main point here is to save women’s lives and prevent disability from unsafe abortion complication. It was stated that in 2012 alone, 610,000 Filipino women induced abortion, over 100,000 women were hospitalized, and 1000 women died due to unsafe abortion complications. Thus, if abortion is decriminalized, women will have an access in safe abortion and post-abortion care in order to avoid maternal death and complications brought by unsafe abortion.

            Permitting abortion is also respecting a woman’s decision for herself. It is a right of every human to decide for the actions she’ll take. Decriminalizing abortion will eliminate the judgmental act towards women who seek for abortion care. Women who are suffering from unsafe abortion tends to have maternal death because they don’t seek health care having the fear of prosecution and some are being denied by the emergency treatment for they see their act of abortion as illegal and helping them may also put their names in vain. Also, abortion provides incest and rape survivors and sexually exploited women to have a chance to end their unwanted pregnancy. The pregnancy may cause trauma, torture and injustice to rape and incest survivors. And due to the condition that abortion is illegal, it may lead again to unsafe abortion that later on will fall into complications and disabilities, or worse, death.

               Legalizing abortion in the Philippines ensures a woman’s safety when faced with unplanned pregnancies, provides hope for rape victims and helps them in moving on with their lives, and protects women’s rights. My Body, My Choice. There’s no place for religion in healthcare. It is one of the rights as a woman to make a decision for her especially if it is concerning her health and future. No one can decide except her. The fetus has no rights because it is not a fully developed human. Strictly speaking, then, society has no legal responsibility to the fetus, but rather to the mother. If a pregnancy causes a negative condition and complications to a woman, then abortion is an option, rather than a crime.




The Pro-Choice Argument by Tanya Luhrman from The Harvard Crimson

Abortion as a Right: Arguments for Pro-Choice from Ultius (2014)

Reasons Why We Need to Decriminalize Abortion  by Clara Rita A. Padilla of EnGendeRights, Inc.

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